Sunday, November 12, 2006

Are You Jewish?

Temple and I decided that, like Jonathan Miller, we are only Jewish among anti-semites. The difference, of course, is that Miller is Jewish, although a famed rationalist/atheist. My answer, when I am asked, is "Does it matter?" If they say no, then I say I don't have to tell them because it doesn't matter. If they say it does matter, then I tell them I won't tell them because it shouldn't matter. This tortured the Wicked Step-Ex-Boyfriend for a while because he was considering the possibility of becoming the Wicked Step-Ex-Fiance. I gave in eventually only because I can't lie, although the look on his face because he couldn't quite be sure was priceless. I also gave in to the wife of a Presbyterian minister because she was looking for a Jewish person to explain things. Like what? Ritual cleansing? What's Kosher so you can have someone over for dinner? Why we killed your god? Key-rist!
Do I go around asking people what their affiliations are? I hope not.
You find out soon enough.

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