Former Post: This weekend I got a message on my Facebook account from someone who thought he remembered me from many years ago. I replied, jovially, that if he was the one who had us over for dinner and got all stressed out by it, then we did know each other. I was sincerely glad he looked me up. No, really. I haven't heard from him since. He didn't friend me or reply. So I think it's only fair that I post these records of the event mentioned above, which was a lot of fun ... for the guests anyway. I have our version and his version. The truth, if such a thing exists, is somewhere in between. You figure it out.
New Post: He was just really busy, in and out of town. Claims to have found one of my cartoons. Hmmm, I wonder
which one, eh? eh?

Moral: Friend me. Friend me right away,
or else!
New Moral: Maybe not everyone checks their Facebook account 20 times a day.
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