Monday, October 27, 2014

Pride Goeth

There are many things that pop up in my memory to make me cringe. Long ago I decided that when this happened, I should say, "Hahaha!" to defuse it, but that hasn't worked too well. However, there are moments of great pride I can turn to in these moments and I will share them with you.

My inclusion in the acknowledgements of North and South by John Jakes, a similar inclusion in the biography of Jackson Pollack that won a Pulitzer, the day a co-worker called me an a##hole (which doesn't happen to women often, so I felt I'd finally crossed a divide), an appearance as Miss Palmetto Prunes on the tv show "Real People," and my crabrarian persona in the Unshelved comic strip.

I would recommend finagling your way into a favorite comic strip. It's worth the $$. Here's your chance: Unshelved Goes Digital Kickstarter.

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